Quality Evaluation

Understanding Tastes and Flavors (100)

This class teaches people new to sensory analysis how taste, smell, mouthfeel are used in the context of evaluating coffee.

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Description: This hands-on class begins with fundamental learning activities for the three key elements of flavor (taste, aroma, and mouthfeel). The class builds by introducing the standard sensory analysis tools of aroma and flavor references and uses them the context of coffee quality evaluation. The class concludes by conducting quality testing of coffee and simulating an individual calibration with flavor standards.

Who is it for: People interested in an entry level class that builds the foundation for the sensory analysis of food and beverage.

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Learning CQI Flavor Standards (100)

This half-day class is designed to introduce CQI Flavor standards to aspiring Q Graders or anyone coffee.

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Description: The attendee will learn through practice how to recognize CQI Flavor Standards. The class will provide a basic understanding of how the senses of taste and smell work. The class will discuss different methods to make sensory memories. The learners will then be introduced to the flavor standards and practice recalling them in groups. Finally, a practice test will be given, comprised of a randomly selected 6 flavors.

Who is it for: People who want to get acquainted with flavor standards and the way we use them to train for coffee evaluation.

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Robusta for Arabica Lovers (100)

This is a new, 100-level class that any lecturer, AI, or Instructor can teach. It is a short (half-day), accessible class that is designed for any coffee professional who is curious to expand their knowledge and fill a knowledge gap for Robusta.

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Description: The class explores Robusta through historical, biological and organoleptic perspectives. The history of Robusta and the Robusta market are used to create context for the present state of Robusta and its potential as a specialty coffee. Throughout the class, relevant comparisons to Arabica are made, including market statistics, farming and production practices, and cup quality. The goal is to introduce Robusta to a wide breadth of coffee professionals so that learners will realize the potential of Fine Robusta.

Who is it for: People who want to fill their knowledge gap for Robusta.

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Introduction to CQI Cupping (200)

This class teaches all new coffee people how to set up a cupping and evaluate coffee consistent with the CQI's best practices and protocols for Q Graders.​

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Description: In this 2-day class, attendees will learn the fundamental mechanics of olfaction (fragrance & aroma), gustation (flavor & aftertaste), texture (body & mouthfeel) and aroma memory recall. They will apply these mechanics while learning how to compare and describe coffee attributes found in both Arabica and Robusta species of coffee.. Attendees will be taught how to determine proper dosing for cupping bowls and set up a table. They will cup multiple flights of coffee and calibration their evaluations. Attendees will begin to learn the common language of coffee quality and explore ways to continue their professional cupping and coffee education.

Who is it for: New coffee people, novice cuppers, or even coffee enthusiasts looking to better understand coffee flavor and how quality is professionally evaluated.

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Q Cupping Essentials Course - Arabica or Robusta (200)

In this course, learners will gain a thorough understanding of how to accurately and comprehensively cup coffee samples for the purpose of scoring, identifying, and differentiating quality coffees

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Description: In QCE, novice cuppers will expand the depth of their knowledge of the cupping form. The course goes into detail on each section exploring the how and why of the cupping form. Each box on the cupping form will be explored theoretically and experienced practically via multiple methodologies using coffee as well as other sensory tools. Cuppers earning their Q Cupping Essential certificate will be able to cup consistent with the CQI protocols and procedures and demonstrate a working understanding of the cupping form.

Who is it for? QCE is a great course for someone looking to advance their understanding of cupping, a vital skill in the coffee industry. It is ideal for people who need to build the skills necessary to become professional cuppers. This includes Q Grader candidates, quality control staff and coffee product developers, prospective coffee buyers and roasters working with coffee producing partners in the value chain.

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Sensory Evaluation in Quality Control (200)

This class continues the development of coffee-centric quality evaluation skills by introducing the main sensory tools and testing methods used by large food & beverage companies around the world to standardize and unify their production.

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Description: Flavor and quality context is a trained, practiced, and continually evaluated skill. This class works to build this context using sensory reference standards and sensory evaluation techniques. Participants will develop skills to define what quality means in their company and recognize acceptable and unacceptable flavors. They will be introduced to the main sensory testing techniques utilized by food and sensory professionals in academic and industry settings. In this interactive class, learning is facilitated through practice and professional feedback, and builds on basic sensory understanding to establish working knowledge of systematic quality control practices using the most up-to-date tools of the trade.

Who is it for? Coffee people working in procurement, green coffee buying and quality assurance, product development and inventory management. Anyone who need to understand how to apply professional quality control testing to coffee.  

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Q Arabica Combo Course (300)

Q Arabica was the first component of the Q system, launched by CQI over 20 years ago. The concept was simple: train everyone in the supply chain to speak a common language of quality. In this way, aiming to elevate quality coffee worldwide and ultimately rewarding producers for higher quality while opening market opportunities.

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Description: This course consists of two corresponding parts over six days. In the first part, over 3 days, learners review assumed knowledge and theoretical principles, including practice of all activities. The second part is a 3-day series of exams regarding the material presented. The course includes 20 exams over 9 Modules to test the learners’ job-relevant skills including cupping protocols, olfactory and gustatory senses, green coffee defect identification, roast sample level identification and matching pairs of coffee acids.  Testing also includes recognizing and recalling CQI Flavor Standards in aqueous solutions.

Who is it for? Practicing coffee tasters and quality assurance/control professionals looking to gain familiarity with international standards and be recognized with a professional certificate.

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Q Robusta Combo Course (300)

This course was developed in cooperation with the Ugandan Coffee Development Authority (UCDA) and launched by CQI globally to improve the quality of Robusta, including training of coffee professionals in the standards for Fine Robusta. This course combines training and testing to reinforce learners’ understanding of the Q Robusta Grading process while measuring their ability to evaluate Robusta coffee according to the established CQI Fine Robusta standards and cupping form.

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Description: This course consists of two corresponding parts over six days. In the first part, over 3 days, learners review assumed knowledge and theoretical principles, including practice of all activities. The second part is a 3-day series of exams regarding the material presented. The course includes 20 exams over 9 Modules to test the learners’ job-relevant skills including cupping protocols, olfactory and gustatory senses, green and roasted grading, organic acid identification, triangulation skills, roast sample level identification, coffee processing evaluation, and general coffee value chain knowledge. Testing also includes recognizing and recalling CQI Flavor Standards in aqueous solutions.  Those successfully completing this course will be able to objectively evaluate Robusta coffees based on cup quality and origin and provide feedback on cup nuances, defects and flavors. Participants who pass all exams earn a Q Robusta Grader certificate.

Who is it for? Practicing Robusta tasters and quality assurance/control professionals looking to gain familiarity with international standards and be recognized with a professional certificate.

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Q Arabica or Robusta Calibration Courses (300)

After a Q Grader is certified they meet in person for this calibration course  every third year. Calibration verifies their abilities to accurately evaluate coffee quality based upon the globally accepted standards for Fine Robusta and/or Specialty Arabica. Calibration validates a Grader’s commitment to quality.

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Description: The calibration consists of flavor calibrations and three cupping flights with distinct attributes. All Q Graders must participate in flavor calibration exercises that are not graded, and demonstrate cupping calibration by passing at least two of the three flights. Upon passing the certificate will be valid for 36 months.

Who is it for? Any Q grader wishing to renew their Q certificate and remain an active Q grader.

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Recertification Course (300)

Calibration verifies Q Graders' abilities to accurately evaluate coffee quality based upon the globally accepted standards for Fine Robusta and/or Specialty Arabica. If a Q grader falls out of calibration and they are within 5 years of being certified, they are eligible to take the Recertification course, which re-tests candidates’ skills.

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Description: The Recertification Course typically lasts 2 days or can be combined with a Q Combo course, in which case it would become 3 days. It consists of the following exams from the Q Grader Course:

  • Sensory Skills Exam
  • Cupping Skills Exam – comprised of three (3) cupping sessions Washed Process, Natural Process and either Africa or Asia 
  • Triangulation Skills Exam – three triangulation exams, which correlate to the cupping exams administered. 
  • Olfactory Skills Exam – Parts A, B, C, D 
  • Matching Pairs Skills Exam 
  • Flavor Standards Exam

A Q Recertification candidate may take these exams within the context of a full Q Arabica/Q Robusta course. The Instructor must consult with the Recertification candidate regarding the schedule of events for the exam week and arrange for proper tracking through the database.

Who is it for? Any Q grader wishing to renew their Q certificate and remain an active Q grader.

  • Because they did not attempt or have failed their yearly Flavor Calibration
  • Because they did not attempt or failed their Coffee Calibration and all re-take opportunities
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