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Exploring Flavor Standards with the CQI Community

June 16, 2023
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Last year, CQI introduced and incorporated a new tool – flavor standards- into CQI Quality Evaluation training as a way to continue improving the global language of coffee, specifically for flavors.

Coffee quality evaluation is increasingly attribute-focused. As much as businesses depend on a coffee’s score to inform prices and execute contracts, we are also entering an era where other qualities of coffee are valued in ways they have not been in the past. Much discussion coming from the industry has centered on attributes since the creation of the WCR sensory lexicon and then of the new flavor wheel. The developing SCA Coffee Value Assessment includes these concepts as well.

How can a global industry with dozens of languages and hundreds of cultures align on attributes? Tools already exist in the field of sensory analysis to solve these concerns and have been used for decades by food companies for quality analysis, assurance, and control.  Embracing these flavor standards can both expand and refine our global coffee language. This has the potential to help us deal with challenges across our wide supply chain as it has done so for other companies that rely on flavor and aromatics to define quality.

CQI now uses flavor standards to help train coffee professionals around a global language of quality. CQI has incorporated these standards into the latest version of Q Combo courses as well as the Q Calibrations. We also utilize the standards in some of our introductory level classes. There is even a class, “Learning CQI Flavor Standards”, which focuses solely on giving learners exposure to and practice with the flavor standards – providing attendees the opportunity to prepare for the Q and upcoming calibrations.  

To help prepare our community to use these tools in CQI education, this year we are launching some fun events hosted by In-Country Partners and Q Venues worldwide, free of cost – attendees will receive many benefits, such as:

  •  Introducing them to CQI Flavor Standards.
  • Engaging with their local Q Communities through the network of ICPs/Q Venues.
  • Interacting and learning about these standards in a fun, collaborative environment.
  • Identifying and differentiating between sensory analysis references and standards.

The very first “Exploring Flavor Standards” event was hosted by one of CQI’s In-Country Partners in the Philippines, Barista & Coffee Academy of ASIA (BCAA). The event took place during the Philippines Coffee Expo, from June 2-4th.

CQI Instructor Cherry Cruz hosted this event, providing some highlights on how it went down:  

  • The event was hosted at the BCAA booth on the last day of the Philippine Coffee Expo, with about 50-60 people in attendance.
  • The first round was all tasting, with one table set up for positive flavors, and the second table displaying the defects. Participants were split between the two tables, switching tables after ten minutes.
  • Tastings were all done blindly, with the answers revealed after participants had the opportunity to spend time at both tables.
  • A third table was set up, with six random flavors, challenging participants to identify them blindly.

Although the final activity was difficult, participants walked away with newfound knowledge on CQI Flavor Standards and how they contribute to their sensory training.

Stay tuned to CQI social channels for more information on upcoming events - as these will continue throughout the remainder of 2023. If you choose to attend an “Exploring Flavor Standards” event near you, we know you will enjoy your experience and that this experience will leave you feeling informed about your local CQI In-Country Partner and the methods CQI uses for quality evaluation education.